to the
GFWC Rotonda West Woman’s Club

GFWC Rotonda West Woman’s Club is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, our goal is to identify the needs of the local community then to meet those needs through our Community Service Programs. Our monthly members meetings start with a fellowship at 9:00 am, with the meeting beginning at 10:00 am in the Rotonda West Association (RWA) Community Building in Broadmoor Park, 646 Rotonda Cir. Rotonda West. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month except June, July and August.
PLEASE COME AND JOIN US. Membership is not exclusive to Rotonda West residents and guest are always welcome.



Wonderful day at the Rotonda Elks Christmas Event! Thank you from

Gfwc Rotonda Club

for giving our beautiful, handmade Crafts, Sewn and Knit items a place to be admired and purchased. We are so fortunate to have a Loving, Respectful and Kind Community to Share. Many Smiles and Thanks to the Rotonda Elks

Pictured are Lee Kraus GFWC FL District 12, Director, Sara Dessureau GFWC FL 1st VP,  RWWC President Kathryn GallagherAn unexpected surprise! Award Certificates, which normally would have been distributed at the Annual Convention in May, were presen…

Pictured are Lee Kraus GFWC FL District 12, Director, Sara Dessureau GFWC FL 1st VP, RWWC President Kathryn Gallagher

An unexpected surprise! Award Certificates, which normally would have been distributed at the Annual Convention in May, were presented to District 12 Clubs at the Reporting Workshop on November 21, 2020. We did know that our Rotonda Book Clubs had won 1st Place in Florida for ESO. What we did not know was that Rotonda won 2nd Place, Category 5 for the President’s Project; and 3rd Place, Category 5 for Arts, Education, Home Life, Public Issues and Leadership. I must say it was a long time to wait to be recognized for our members hard work throughout 2019. But isn’t it nice to be rewarded as 2020 comes to a close.

“TOGETHER SAVING LIVES”  The RWA & OneBlood Drive sponsored by GFWC Rotonda West Woman’s Club  Our next drive will be on JANUARY 21, 2021 at Hills CC


The RWA & OneBlood Drive sponsored by GFWC Rotonda West Woman’s Club

Our next drive will be on JANUARY 21, 2021 at Hills CC


Oct 27,2020 Clean-up

WOW, 75lbs. more than our costal cleanup!!

Suffratists 2020.jpg

In 1914, GFWC threw the weight of its millions of clubwomen behind the American suffrage movement. Their endorsement of the 19th Amendment helped to lend credibility and momentum to a movement that had been stalling just a few years earlier. Clubwomen across the country marched, protested, and advocated to help ensure the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. What plans is your club making to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote?

Dianne logo April 2020.png