GFWC Signature Project:
Domestic Violence Awareness and Preparedness
Lee Kraus, District 12 Chaplain, and former District 12 Director, presented a very informative and heartfelt message on Domestic Violence Awareness at the November 2022 General Meeting
Domestic Violence Awareness and Preparedness is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse in communities across the nation by supporting existing activities, working with various established programs, and initiating educational opportunities for club members and local cities. Also works to combat child abuse, teen dating violence and elder abuse.
On Sept 17, 2022 members of the Rotonda West Woman’s club participated in the In Her Shoes scenario to get an idea of what domestic violence victims go through to obtain help and support. It was an eye-opening exercise. Please support the Charlotte County Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.)
Past President Kathryn Gallagher and Lois LeVasseur with 405 items collected for C.A.R.E.
Rotonda West Woman’s Club donates to C.A.R.E.
GFWC Rotonda West Woman’s Club members celebrated a beautiful inheritance from Past President Bonnie Wine at their general meeting Feb. 11.
Wine was president of the club from 2001-2003 and GFWC District 12 Director from 2006-2008. She made and dedicated the “Beautiful Hearts Quilt” to the Woman’s Club using the motto, “To Ever Widen Our Circle.”
Past President Laura Wine, who is Bonnie’s daughter, invited guest speakers Detective Donna Shively and Domestic Violence Crime Unit Civilian Analyst Brett Armstead to speak about their own work within the Community and about the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.), the Charlotte County Victim Services Center.
Club members collected 405 items to be delivered to C.A.R.E for hospital response kits and household items.